2025 Saturday Hours

We will be open on the following Saturdays:

  • January 4
  • January 18
  • February 1
  • February 22
  • March 8
  • March 22
  • April 5
  • April 19
  • May 3
  • May 10
  • May 31
  • June 21
  • June 28

Your Cape Cod Veterinarian

Surgery Intake Sheet

We require all of our patients to fill out a surgery intake form to consent to any procedures being performed on your pet.

Online Forms

Leach Animal Hospital

Surgery Intake Sheet

This lets us record our pets and owners into our management software so that we can effectively and efficiently provide the service you deserve!

We require all our patients to have a current Rabies vaccination.


I certify that I am the owner/custodian of the above animal and I do hereby consent and authorize the veterinarians of Leach Animal Hospital and its staff to hospitalize my pet and perform procedures and/or treatments deemed necessary for the health and safety of my pet described above. However the doctors and staff will not be liable in any manner for the care, treatment, or safekeeping of my pet. I release Leach Animal Hospital and the staff from any and all liability while my pet is under their supervision. I understand that I am responsible for all the costs associated with the care, treatment, or boarding of my pet and that full payment for any services must be made when my pet is discharged. I further understand that abandonment of my pet does not release me from any financial obligations to Leach Animal Hospital. If my pet is abandoned a written notice will be sent to me. I understand that after 5 days of written notice, my pet will be considered abandoned and that Leach Animal Hospital will dispose of my pet in any manner they deem necessary.
Clear Signature